Botswana Wildlife Producers Association
The Botswana Wildlife Producers Association is an association of stakeholders with the conservation and management of Botswana’s wildlife as its focus, including sustainable utilisation of natural resources through a process of responsible and ethical management options.
The code of conduct embraces the disciplined, ethical and legislated means to participate in, co-operate with and benefit from sustainable and controlled hunting activities in Botswana.
In making our commitment visible to Government and ensuring our future involvement in decision making at policy and operational levels, it was agreed at the AGM in November 2018 that Working Groups be established to address the individual needs of each sector. With input from members and external advisers to focus on and implement action plans, establish meaningful, proactive communication and engagement with the different Ministries involved, and align with other industry subsectors the WG’s may meet, consider, review and feedback back to the Executive Committee.
The Professional Hunter’s mission is to ensure its members fulfil their role in conservation of Botswana’s fauna and flora for future generations. We will strive to become a self-regulating organisation that will be tasked to uphold the highest morals standards, principles and carry out the duties expected of our Profession. Thereby safe guarding and further enhancing the reputation of Botswana as the regional leader in the sustainable conservation of Africa’s wildlife and habitat.
Committee Members:
Chairman: Fino Masire
Vice-Chairman: Rudie de Wet
Treasurer: Leonard Matenje
Administrator: Melanie Beukes
Committee Members: Debbie Peake, Leon Grobler, Leon Kachelhoffer